joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

stg special...

you're just a stupid little boy with no feelings, confused in a dark corner of this world and beging for attention... are you glad for the persone you became? i know the real you ... i know that you are just perfect so you don't have to pretend... but it seems that you don't know you anymore... it is hard for me to see how you become a person you never wanted to be just because the people think u are more interesting this way... you are just to childish to admit it and change ... you think that being you will not be enough... wellcome to my world where being me is never enough...but i tell u that being you is more than enough... but what should i know? i am just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to be himself... probably you will become more stranger for me than you allready are but i will still be there for you just in case you will need some help or a shoulder to cry... i love you eventhough i will never be good enough for u...

miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2009


se facea k eram doar noi 2 si aveam casuta noastra pe malul marii... eram departe de lume dar eram fericiti... seara ne plimbam pe malul marii si ne lasam picioarele atinse de valurile sarate ale apei care se spargeau de malul obosit dupa o zi fierbinte... ne simteam nepunciosi in fata imensului albastru... cate ascundeau adancurile nu stiam dar eram fericiti... dupa o plimbare lunga ne asezam pe nisipul rece...puneai capul in poala mea ji imi repetai cat de mult ma iubesti si nu o sa ma lasi zambeam iti sarutam fruntea sa ma jucam in parul tau moale...
erau seri de neuitat...erau seri magice...nopti fierbinti si zile de poveste...
nu ne spunea nimeni ce sa facem... nu ne spunea nimeni ce nu e bine... nu era nimeni care sa iti zambeasca in afara de totul era perfect...
eram noi 2 si marea!!
era dragostea noastra infinita, era speranta, era minunea...
era un prezent mult prea frumos... si a sunat ceasul...
uof...e dimineata... si am examen!!! dupa ce scap sper sa mai reusesc sa revin...dar stiti cum e cu febra examenelor...